HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- To encourage attendance by Pennsylvania college communities at the International Town & Gown Association's City and University Relations Conference (ITGA) May 19 through 22 in State College, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) is accepting applications for up to 20 grants, each totaling up to $500, to cover conference registration and travel costs.

Eligible applicants for mini-grants include Pennsylvania institutions of higher education, campus security and police departments, municipal police departments with jurisdiction over off-campus property adjacent to/owned by institutions of higher education, and municipal officials/representatives from local college communities.

The deadline to apply for ITGA mini-grants is March 8. The grant application and related information is available for download from the grants page of the PLCB website.

Applications will be received and evaluated by the PLCB's Bureau of Alcohol Education, with awards made subject to availability of funds.

The PLCB will distribute funds to grantees in advance of the May event with required documentation by recipients of costs paid.

The mission of the ITGA is to help institutions of higher education address challenges, coordinate strategic response, and develop best practices to enhance university-community relationships within the context of the local communities in which they live. The theme for the 2019 event is "Collaborate/Adapt/Change: Evolving Together to Grow a Thriving Community."

For ITGA conference information and to register, visit itga.org.

The PLCB regulates the distribution of beverage alcohol in Pennsylvania, operates more than 600 wine and spirits stores statewide, and licenses 20,000 alcohol producers, retailers, and handlers. The PLCB also works to reduce and prevent dangerous and underage drinking through partnerships with schools, community groups, and licensees. Taxes and store profits – totaling $16.5 billion since the agency's inception – are returned to Pennsylvania's General Fund, which finances Pennsylvania's schools, health and human services programs, law enforcement, and public safety initiatives, among other important public services. The PLCB also provides financial support for the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, other state agencies, and local municipalities across the state. For more information about the PLCB, visit lcb.pa.gov.

MEDIA CONTACT: Shawn M. Kelly, 717.783.8864


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SOURCE Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board