This Docketing, Tickler and Calendar System Likely Will Save Law Firms Hundreds of Billable Hours Per Month

TORONTO, Jan. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PaayaTech, providers of customized IT software applications for law firms and other industries, announces the release of MatterAlert, new web-based matter-centric docketing, tickler and calendar software that helps law firms manage all matter-related information in one platform. MatterAlert receives data from multiple locations and centralizes information for users. For example, triggers and events from court rules or in-house templates and timekeeper and account data from accounting systems are automatically imported. MatterAlert integrates with Outlook, so tasks, events and reminders are displayed in the format with which many attorneys are most comfortable. The software is highly configurable to each law firm’s specific needs and requires minimal maintenance from IT staff.

“Attorneys and legal support staff are often working on 20 or 30 matters at a time, each with hundreds of tasks and due dates, so there’s great risk for missing a client-, court- or agency-enforced deadline, especially if a date or task changes during the course of the matter,” says Hossein Jabbarzadeh, CEO of PaayaTech. “MatterAlert amalgamates information from multiple sources into one centralized platform and automatically updates all tasks and due dates the moment they are entered or changed, saving law firms between $10,000 and $12,000 per year per timekeeper and at the same time reducing the risk of missing those critical dates.”

MatterAlert features include:

  • Matter Dashboard – Team members can view and update all critical matter-related information in one centralized location, including dates, tasks, accounting, document and email information.
  • Court Rules Integration – Critical trigger dates from courts across North America are tracked and automatically set up in the platform once a new matter is created. If courts update their rules, calendar events are automatically updated.
  • Matter Templates – Law firms can establish and use their own schedule-based templates for different matter types or to meet specific client requirements to automate task and calendar event creation.
  • Outlook Integration – Calendar events and reminders are automatically generated and updated in Outlook, creating efficiencies since most attorneys use Outlook every day.
  • Notifications – Team members will never miss a critical task or date with MatterAlert’s in-dashboard, email and calendar reminder notifications.
  • Bulk Updates – The matter legal team may change over time. The docketing manager can add or remove team members for all future appointments and tasks with just couple of clicks.
  • Easy Rollout – MatterAlert is a web-based application. All users need is a browser to work with this application.
  • Many Additional Features – Also available to users are search, audit logs, distribution lists, bulk updates, task escalation and much more (see

“MatterAlert helps law firms increase productivity on every matter that has a specific schedule of dates and tasks, whether the schedule is driven by the court system, the type of matter or the client,” continues Jabbarzadeh. “By utilizing MatterAlert, law firms have an opportunity to improve client satisfaction and lower risk by never missing an important deadline.”

MatterAlert requires no customization and is web-based, so it can be accessed from anywhere using any device with a web browser. PaayaTech’s other software tools include CorpSync to sync client contact information across platforms and CorpIntake new business intake software.

About PaayaTech
PaayaTech Inc. was established in 2007 by a team of experienced legal technology experts with a focus on providing specialized legal technology consulting and software development solutions for law firms. The company offers three software platforms designed to increase productivity at law firms: MatterAlert, a matter-centric calendar, tickler and docketing platform; CorpSync, which syncs client contact information across platforms; and CorpIntake new business intake (NBI) software. Learn more at

Media Contact
Vicki LaBrosse
Edge Marketing Inc., for PaayaTech