
Polish Energy Partners S.A. ('Company') hereby announces the dates scheduled for submitting of periodical reports for 2013:

- the yearly report for 2012 - the delivery date: 26th February 2013,

- the consolidated yearly report for 2012 - the delivery date: 26th February 2013,

- the consolidated quarterly report of PEP S.A. Capital Group for 1st quarter of 2013 - the delivery date: 25th April 2013,

- the consolidated quarterly report of PEP S.A. Capital Group for 3rd quarter of 2013 - the delivery date: 7th November 2013,

- the consolidated half-yearly report accompanied by the abbreviated half-yearly financial report for 1st half-year of 2013 - the delivery date: 8th August 2013.

The Company also declares the public disclosure of consolidated quarterly reports for 2013, presenting the quarterly financial results.

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