Current report no. 5/2014

January 15, 2013.

Subject: Nominee for a Supervisory Board Member

In reference to to the current report no. 4/2014 dated January 14, 2014, containing the text of draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders convened for February 12, 2014, the Management Board of "Orbis" S.A. hereby informs that on January 15, 2014, it received a notice from Accor S.A. about its intent to nominate Mr. Peter Paul VERHOEVEN as candidate for a Member of the Company's Supervisory Board on behalf of the said Shareholder at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders.
Information concerning the nomination and the Curriculum Vitae presenting the experience of
Mr. Peter Paul VERHOEVEN is appended hereto.
§ 38.1.3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of February 19, 2009, on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities as well as conditions for recognizing as equivalent
information required by the laws of a non-member state

"Orbis" S.A., ul. Bracka 16, 00-028 Warsaw, registered in the District Court for the Capital City of
Warsaw, XII Commercial Division, National Court Register [KRS], Register of Business Operators no.
0000022622, share capital of PLN 92,154,016 (paid-up in full), tax identification number NIP 526-025-

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