OptionRally is expected to publish its 2016 tech stock sector report to its clients during the coming month. The report presents a positive outlook for tech stocks prices, suggesting that investors should go long on these stocks at this point.

“OptionRally is expecting a significant growth in the technology stock sector, especially in stocks such as Apple, Alphabet and Google. Since the rising stock market is facing a tailing-off, investors are expected to look for value stocks. It is therefore likelier that we will recommend stocks such as those above to our clients,” states Eric Lumin, report’s lead author and Brokerage Manager at OptionRally.

“I believe the technology sector holds terrific potential because manufacturing, heavy industry and finance, to name three major industrial sectors, will fall during the current period of high volatility. The highly diversified and highly innovative and creative nature of these enterprises frees the technology sector from reliance on traditional economic activities like those mentioned above and therefore makes these enterprises excellent investments,” explains Lumin.

Further to the point of fluctuations over the next year, Lumin says that both the global political environment and economic situation are currently perceived as unstable: “We are constantly monitoring political changes in the Middle East and Europe, and economic changes, especially in China, and we predict an increase in stock market fluctuations.”

Eric Lumin is a brokerage manager at OptionRally, a CySec-regulated and world-leading binary options brokerage. Lumin has been trading professionally for almost a decade and has years of success in trading financial instruments on different exchanges around the world.

*This item has been prepared solely for information purposes, and is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any particular trading strategy.