Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO®), Ontario's leading advocate for the life science sector, is pleased to announce the next phase in building a health innovation economy and our 2014 high-impact Ontario Bioscience Economic Strategy Team (OBEST®) programs for Ontario's bioscience companies.

"OBIO owes its many successes in 2013 to the dedication and commitment of our members, sponsors and volunteers," said Gail Garland, Chief Executive Officer of OBIO. "With their direction, thought leadership and resources, OBIO implemented several industry building programs that we will continue to expand in 2014."

Our three lead programs achieved measurable impacts for Ontario human health technology and bioscience companies in 2013, and will continue to serve Ontario companies over the coming year.

  • The OBIO Capital Access Advisory Program (CAAP TM) helps Ontario companies become "investment ready" and introduces them to a network of local and global investors. Applications are now being accepted for an expanded second cycle. All Ontario bioscience companies are encouraged to apply. Additional information is available on the OBIO website here.
  • In December 2013, the OBEST Innovation Adoption team reported on opportunities to address Ontario's healthcare innovation and commercialization challenges. The group partners with multiple stakeholders to create cross-disciplinary teams working on the sustainability of our health system through development and adoption of innovation.
  • OBIO enhances sector interconnectivity through its Executive Exchange Series (EES) of workshops, webinars and industry events. OBIO's MPP life sciences caucus includes representatives of all political parties who are interested in Ontario's bioscience industry and working together towards policy solutions.

OBIO's OBEST approach is unique due to its industry leadership. Strong partnerships across the sector and focused execution of the OBEST plan have produced results. OBIO is grateful for its collaborations with government and other partners on programs that directly impact Ontario bioscience companies.

Over the coming year, OBIO will continue to implement and renew its strategy for bioscience in Ontario, focusing on initiatives that will promote a fully integrated health innovation economy.

About Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization

The Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO®) is a not-for-profit, membership-based organization engaged in the development of an integrated health innovation economy for Ontario and one that will become a global leader in providing health technology products and services to the international marketplace. OBIO advances this goal through advocacy, promotion and strategic leadership and via collaborative partnerships with industry, academia, patients and government. For more information please visit www.obio.ca.

OBIO created Ontario Bioscience Economic Strategy Team (OBEST®) as a call to action. OBEST is an Ontario-wide mobilization of stakeholders and their organizations, including entrepreneurs, representatives of small, medium and multinational enterprises, finance specialists, investors, researchers, educators, consultants, government representatives, attorneys, accountants, patient organizations and health care professionals. These individuals represent a powerful and motivated resource, well positioned to bolster Ontario's human health technology and bioscience sector, with the creation of jobs, improved health outcomes and prosperity for Ontarians.

Gail Garland, 416-673-6619
President and Chief Executive Officer