STORY: :: Oil covers Singapore's beaches after a spill from a nearby shipping terminal

:: June 15, 2024

:: The oil spread after a Netherlands-flagged dredger struck a stationary Singapore-flagged bunker vessel

The oil-stained waters and sand of Tanjong Beach were cordoned off from visitors. An advisory from Sentosa said the waters of Tanjong, Palawan and Siloso beaches would be closed for cleaning and swimming while sea activities were not allowed.

The oil spill had spread from Pasir Panjang Terminal, less than 6 miles (10 km) from the island popular with tourists and locals, after a Netherlands-flagged dredger struck a stationary Singapore-flagged bunker vessel on Friday (June 14) afternoon.

Singapore's port authority said in a statement on Friday evening some oil from the damaged cargo tank on the bunker vessel had spilled into the water and "the affected cargo tank has been isolated and the spill contained".