Companies big and small are waking up and realizing at the very highest levels that cybersecurity is no longer an issue that can be relegated to the IT department, or left to quarterly board meetings. Cyber risks represent major threats to your organization and require a high level of engagement by top leadership and the board of directors. There are very few other categories of risk that can almost instantaneously freeze your business in its tracks, decimate your financial resources, ruin your corporate reputation or even take it completely offline.

In our new book, Take Back Control of Your Cybersecurity Now, we take a no-nonsense approach to the problem of understanding, managing, and mitigating cyber security risk, and improving cybersecurity corporate governance. Our approach is to provide concise, mission critical, and actionable information for directors, officers, general counsel, and C-Suite executives. Given recent advanced, stealthy cyber threats, like APT 28 and APT 29, a/k/a Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, our primer on artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing cyber defense solutions provides unparalleled knowledge and expert guidance on how these advanced cyber solutions work, and why you need them for your company today. Indeed, one US Government expert recently noted, “If you can’t get to some level of AI or machine learning with the volume of activity that you’re trying to understand when you’re [defending] networks from activity of concern, you are always behind the power curve….” Admiral Mike Rogers, Commander of US Cyber Command and Director of the NSA, September 8, 2016.

About the Authors

  • Paul Ferrillo, aka “the Cyber Patriot” is counsel in Weil’s Litigation Department. He focuses on complex securities class action litigation, shareholder derivative litigation and internal investigations. He also he is co-head of Weil’s cybersecurity and privacy practice, where he covers cybersecurity governance issues, and assists clients with network defense, disclosure, and regulatory matters relating to their cybersecurity postures and the regulatory requirements.
  • Chris Veltsos, aka @DrInfoSec, is passionate about helping organizations take stock of their cyber risks and manage those risks across the intricate landscape of technology, business, and people. Both faculty and practitioner, Chris has advised CEOs, has worked with CIOs, has shadowed and mentored CISOs, and interacted with a wide range of other business executives.

Notable Quotes

  • “Paul Ferrillo is one of those rare writers who can guide the non-expert through the complex field of cyber security in a way that you can understand and trust. This is a valuable book.” — Jonathan Evans, former Head of MI5.
  • “Veltsos and Ferrillo have written THE cybersecurity book for Boards and C-Suite officers. Their cybersecurity expertise shows on every page, but it’s their understanding of Board Governance and Oversight principles that sets this book apart.” — Wayne Sadin, The Go Solution, Chief Digital Officer & Chief Information Officer, 2014 – Present.
  • “Take Back Control of Your Cybersecurity Now” is informative, thought provoking, and a great read! It should be required reading for the entire C-Suite and Board of Directors.” — Don Good, former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, and current Director, Navigant Consulting’s Information Security Practice.