NSFOCUS, a global provider of intelligent hybrid security solutions, today announced the appointment of Lin Xu, to the position of Vice President of Engineering. In this new position, Xu will run dedicated engineering teams in Santa Clara, CA, as well as teams in China to further expand the capabilities of NSFOCUS’ enterprise-class set of security offerings.

With an impressive engineering career spanning over 17 years, Xu is widely regarded as one of the best in her field; bringing an in-depth knowledge of core development products, such as cloud services, threat intelligence, network and application security appliance and software solution offerings. At NSFOCUS, Xu will be responsible for all solutions developed and delivered to NSFOCUS IB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NSFOCUS, including cloud services, threat intelligence, anti-DDoS (ADS), next-generation intrusion prevention systems (NGIPS), and web application firewall/web application security scanning (WAF/WVSS), among others.

“When we look at the security threat landscape today, it is hard to ignore the increasingly complex technology that hackers have at their disposal to attack consumers and enterprises,” said Allan Thompson, COO of NSFOCUS. “Under Lin’s leadership, we are communicating to our customers that their network security is our top priority and we are committed to bringing in the best minds in the industry to expand and deliver on our suite of network, application, cloud and threat intelligence products. We are thrilled to have her on board to help execute on our vision for the next generation of security tools.”

In her most recent role, Xu served as Senior Manager, Software Engineering at Palo Alto Networks for the last six years. Previous to that, she held pivotal roles within the engineering teams at Symantec as a Senior Software Engineer, IBM as a Staff Software Engineer and at Neustar as a Senior Software Engineer. Xu is a graduate of Tsinghua University and holds a Master’s degree from Stanford University.

“NSFOCUS is widely recognized for consistently developing and delivering some of the most innovative and trusted security technology currently available,” said Xu. “The opportunity to work with duel teams across China and the U.S. will allow for great bi-coastal collaboration and innovation as we continue to push the envelope and set the standard for enterprise security. I am excited to continue to build on this established leadership and further our commitment to our customers of every size.”


NSFOCUS IB is a wholly owned subsidiary of NSFOCUS, an award-winning enterprise application and network security provider, with operations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. NSFOCUS IB has a proven track record of combatting the increasingly complex cyber threat landscape through the construction and implementation of multi-layered defense systems. The company's Intelligent Hybrid Security strategy utilizes both cloud and on-premises security platforms, built on a foundation of real-time global threat intelligence, to provide unified, dynamic protection from advanced cyber threats.

NSFOCUS has fifteen years of success and experience working with Fortune 500 companies, including four of the world’s five largest financial institutions, as well as organizations in insurance, retail, healthcare, critical infrastructure industries as well as government agencies. NSFOCUS IB has technology and channel partners in more than 60 countries, and is a winner of the Microsoft Bug Bounty Program for 4 consecutive years, a member of the Microsoft Active Protections Program (MAPP), StopBadware.org, and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).

Enterprise- and carrier-grade products undergo rigorous evaluation and testing to Veracode VL4 and ISO 27001 certification, delivering powerful and effective threat management combined with advanced data analytics and intrusion prevention and detection capabilities.

A research arm, the NSFOCUS Security Labs, is a renowned technical research center that tracks and analyzes global intelligence while identifying new network vulnerabilities and security trends.

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NSFOCUS; NSFOCUS, INC. and NSFOCUS Anti-DDoS System (ADS) are trademarks or registered trademarks of NSFOCUS, Inc. All other names and trademarks are property of their respective firms.