The UK twitter discussion, AgriChatUK, last night (23 January 2014) celebrated its 100th chat.
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Day: Thursday

Time: 8-10pm

Hashtag: #AgriChatUK

Follow: @AgriChatUK

One hundred people took part in the discussion on urban farming. During the two hour chat 615 tweets were sent, reaching nearly 170,000 people and making 1.48 million timeline deliveries.

AgriChatUK co-founder, Charles Tassell said: "We are all amazed and immensely proud that after just under two years from when the four original hosts put together the first discussion, we have now hit two great milestones, 10,000 followers and our 100th discussion.

"Farmers love to talk to each other and non-farmers alike, but isolation can be a part of the working day.

"Twitter helps to combat this and also make connections with people who are genuinely interested in farming and the rural way of life.

"It is therefore fitting that our 100th Chat is about Urban Farming, examining now the Rural/Urban divide is hopefully becoming less of an issue as we look at ways of protecting our Food Security."

In October 2013, the first worldwide twitter chat was hosted by @AgriChatUK to celebrate World Food Day. Groups from the UK, USA, New Zealand, Australia and the Netherlands discussed the issues and experiences people face in producing food.

The agrichat group has been running since March 2012 and now has over 10,000 followers.

A chat is hosted every Thursday night between 8-10pm, during which farmers and non-farmers debate a specific topic. Recent discussions include flooding, opportunity agriculture and food waste.

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