STORY: :: Fireworks shoot at performers and spectators during July 4th celebrations

:: Provo, Utah

:: The mishap at LaVell Edwards Stadium led to multiple injuries and several hospitalizations

:: @karterb8 via X

Eyewitnesses video show fireworks shoot into performers on the field and into the stands where people were watching the show. Emergency services swiftly attended to the injured, who sustained burns and other non-life-threatening injuries. The conditions of those injured are not known currently. The show was stopped to transport the injured people.

America's Freedom Festival organizers released a statement saying: "Safety is of the utmost importance to us. All pyrotechnics at Stadium of Fire are thoroughly checked before the show and were rechecked after tonight's incident. Our thoughts are with those who were impacted, and we are following up with them to make sure they are OK." Authorities are investigating the cause of the malfunction.

Reuters was able to confirm the location from the Stadium design, screen, nearby building, and mountain in the background match satellite imagery, file image, and street view. And corroborating videos show the same scene. The date has been confirmed by the source and metadata on the footage.