Carriers surveyed in a recently released report by Eastbridge Consulting Group cited local assistance to close cases, online commission statements/forms, voluntary sales training and continuing education as the most commonly offered services to brokers. Over half of the carriers also indicated offering carrier-employee enrollers, access to pre-screened enrollers, online product training, and Internet seminars. Most of these services are developed in-house with the exception of continuing education and access to pre-screened enrollers which are often provided through third-party vendors.

In terms of services provided by carriers on behalf of the brokers for their clients, the most common are: enrollment communication materials, customized/pre-populated forms, enrollment systems and customized enrollment materials. Slightly over half of the carriers surveyed also provide online benefits administration/HRIS systems, core benefit enrollment and full benefits administration to their brokers’ clients. The costs for these services are typically paid for by the carriers, although the carriers often partner with an outside vendor for the systems and benefits administration services and have the broker or client cover the costs.

The carriers also listed several other client services that can benefit either the employer or the employees, or both. These include HR education courses, FMLA administration, event sponsorships, joint marketing efforts and employee data cleansing for the employer, and assistance programs (employee and travel) and counseling services (legal, financial and grief) for employees.

The Broker Services for Voluntary Carriers Spotlight Report reviews the various broker services offered by voluntary carriers, both directly to brokers as well as those offered to the brokers’ clients. With this information, carriers can compare and assess the broker services they are currently offering to those of other carriers in the voluntary market.

The report is currently available for purchase for $2,000. For more information or to order, call today at (860) 676-9633 or email Eastbridge at

Eastbridge Consulting Group, Inc. is a marketing advisory firm serving insurance and financial services organizations in the United States and Canada.