FPA is pleased to announce that FPA Crescent managers Steven Romick, Mark Landecker, and Brian Selmo have been nominated for Morningstar's 2013 U.S. Allocation Fund Manager of the Year award.

This is the second time Morningstar has nominated the FPA Crescent team for an award. In 2009, Steven Romick was nominated for the Domestic Fund Manager of the Decade award.*

The FPA Crescent Fund (FPACX) seeks to generate equity-like returns over the long-term, take less risk than the market and avoid permanent impairment of capital.

About FPA

FPA is a leading practitioner of value investing. Providing a prudent place to invest, the firm focuses on generating superior returns over the long-term, coupled with capital preservation. FPA fosters a culture that promotes high ethical standards.

Located in Los Angeles, California, FPA is independently owned, with 29 investment professionals and 73 employees in total. Currently, FPA manages $28 billion across five equity strategies and one fixed income strategy.

FPA's equity and fixed income styles are linked by a common fundamental value orientation. Our goal is to provide a consistent, risk-averse and disciplined approach to long-term investing in individual securities with the objective of achieving superior total returns for client portfolios.


You should consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses carefully before you invest. The Prospectus details the Fund's objective, policies, and other matters of interest to the prospective investor. Please read this Prospectus carefully before investing. The Prospectus may be obtained by visiting the website at www.fpafunds.com, by email at crm@fpafunds.com, toll-free by calling 1-800-982-4372 or by contacting the Fund in writing.

Investments in mutual funds carry risks and investors may lose principal value. Stock markets are volatile and can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market, or economic developments. The funds may purchase foreign securities, including American Depository Receipts (ADRs) and other depository receipts, which are subject to interest rate, currency exchange rate, economic and political risks. Small and mid-cap stocks involve greater risks and they can fluctuate in price more than larger company stocks. Groups of stocks, such as value and growth, go in and out of favor which may cause certain funds to underperform other equity funds. Short-selling involves increased risks and transaction costs. You risk paying more for a security than you received from its sale.

The return of principal in a bond investment is not guaranteed. Bonds have issuer, interest rate, inflation and credit risks. Lower rated bonds, callable bonds and other types of debt obligations involve greater risks. Mortgage securities and asset backed securities are subject to prepayment risk and the risk of default on the underlying mortgages or other assets; derivatives may increase volatility.

*The Morningstar Fund Manager of the Decade award is based on risk-adjusted results over the past 10 years (2000-2009), and other considerations, including the strength of the manager, strategy, and stewardship.

The Nominee for the 2013 Manager of the Year award is presented each year to recognize a manger's past achievements. Morningstar fund analysts narrow the universe for the award, and the winner is then selected by Morningstar's entire team of mutual fund analysts. The award is presented to fund managers who have distinguished themselves over the past calendar year and have achieved strong risk-adjusted historical performance through the careful execution of a solid investment strategy and responsible fund stewardship. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The FPA Funds are distributed by UMB Distribution Services, LLC.

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Tucker Hewes