Moovit, an early pioneer of Mobility as a Service and the world’s #1 urban mobility app, has hired consumer tech industry veteran Ziv Kabaretti as Vice President of Products, capping a six-month process of bolstering Moovit’s executive team to support worldwide growth and expansion.

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Moovit Hires Ziv Kabaretti as VP of Products (Photo: Business Wire)

Moovit Hires Ziv Kabaretti as VP of Products (Photo: Business Wire)

Last August Moovit promoted Yovav Meydad to Chief Growth and Marketing Officer to focus on app user growth and demand generation for Moovit’s commercial products. In September, Frank Kopas joined as Vice President of Global Sales to build and lead Moovit’s MaaS platform and product sales worldwide. Kabaretti joins to continue developing Moovit’s industry-leading products for a growing list of customer segments, including consumers, and cities, governments and transit agencies.

With more than 20 years of product experience at global consumer tech brands, Kabaretti reports to Moovit Co-founder and CEO Nir Erez and is responsible for product management for Moovit’s leading urban mobility app for iPhone, Android and the Web, and the products Moovit licenses to cities and transit agencies, including Moovit’s Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform, Moovit Urban Mobility Analytics (MUMA) and Moovit TimePro. Reporting to Kabaretti are Moovit’s Analytics, Design and Product Management teams.

Kabaretti joins the Moovit executive team from, an online marketplace for pre-owned luxury goods, where he was Chief Product Officer since March 2016. Earlier he was Vice President of Product for Collective Digital Studio from 2012-13, and Metacafe, the online video content aggregation site where he worked five years starting as Director of Product Management in 2006. Kabaretti started his career as a software engineer and grew into R&D and product architecture roles, including four years at Mercury Interactive, which was acquired by HP in 2006.

A graduate of Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, Kabaretti is a global executive. He has worked extensively in the United States, including being promoted to General Manager in San Francisco when Collective Digital Studios acquired Metacafe in 2012.

“Moovit’s meteoric growth is reflected in the expansion of our executive team,” said Co-founder and CEO Nir Erez. “We searched tirelessly for an executive of the quality and caliber of Ziv Kabaretti. It took time to recruit and hire Ziv but good things are worth waiting for.”

“Moovit already is an industry leader helping cities and transit agencies improve their services for riders, and already offers consumers the best urban mobility app in the world,” Kabaretti said. “I’m looking forward to helping Moovit exponentially grow its world leadership position.”

Kabaretti joins Moovit at a critical juncture. Since its inception in 2012, Moovit’s mission has been to simplify urban mobility all around the world. In its first five years, Moovit focused on consumers, building and growing the world’s #1 urban mobility app to 330 million people in more than 2,700 cities in 87 countries and 44 languages by the end of 2018. In 2017 Moovit launched its Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform for cities, municipalities and transit agencies to help them offer their citizens better, smarter and more efficient mobility solutions. Today the company equally emphasizes both its consumer app and business services, which will benefit from Kabaretti’s leadership.

About Moovit

Moovit ( is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provider and the world’s #1 transit app. Moovit simplifies your urban mobility all around the world, making getting around town via transit easier and more convenient. By combining information from public transit operators and authorities with live information from the user community, Moovit offers travelers a real-time picture, including the best route for the journey. Named Best Local App by Google in 2016, finalist for Google’s Build for Billions category in 2018 and one of Apple’s Best Apps of 2017, Moovit launched in 2012 and now has 330 million users.

Moovit amasses up to four billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit data. The data gathering is aided by Moovit’s network of more than 500,000 local editors called “Mooviters.” These passionate users help map and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved. Mooviters account for 65 percent of the hundreds of cities Moovit opens every year and make Moovit the Wikipedia of Transit.

Moovit is an early pioneer of Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The company helps people change the way they consume mobility by fully integrating other forms of transport, such as local bicycle services, into its app. In 2017 Moovit launched its suite of MaaS solutions to help cities, governments and transit operators improve urban mobility in their cities.

Moovit is available for free on iOS, Android and the Web in more than 2,700 cities, across 87 countries, and can be used in 44 languages. More than 100 cities and global events, including Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics, have made Moovit their official transit app.