Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Mobile Virtual Reality" report to their offering.

This report provides a detailed analysis of market issues, technology issues, key industry players, and market sizing and forecasts for mobile VR hardware and content. Hardware forecasts include unit shipments and revenue for mobile HMDs, cameras, gamepads, and other VR-specific controllers. Content revenue forecasts are segmented into gaming and media. All market data covers the period from 2014 to 2021 and is segmented by world region. The report also includes profiles of 26 key players in the mobile VR market.

This research estimates that more than 88% of all consumer-grade VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) sold in 2016 were mobile, and the firm anticipates that the mobile domination of the VR market will continue for years to come, with mobile HMDs constituting three-quarters of annual consumer-grade HMD shipments in 2021.

Despite the momentum behind mobile VR, however, analysis indicates that there is much work still to be done. VR is an extremely complex technology and there are many obstacles to a frictionless, optimized user experience. Over time, technological breakthroughs in optics, processing efficiencies, cloud computing, software application development, and streaming, as well as increased access to higher-quality broadband, will improve and accelerate the general availability of consistently high-quality VR experiences.

While VR for mobile is currently a less immersive experience than PC and console-based VR, the gap is expected to narrow between 2017 and 2021. There is a real possibility that mobile will become not only the choice for simpler VR experiences, but the choice for the vast majority of all VR experiences.

Key Topics Covered:

Section 1 Executive Summary

Section 2 Market Issues

Section 3 Technology Issues

Section 4 Key Industry Players

Section 5 Market Forecasts

Section 6 Company Directory

Section 7 Acronym and Abbreviation List

Section 8 Table of Contents

Section 9 Table of Charts and Figures

Section 10 Scope of Study

Companies Mentioned

  • Alibaba
  • AltspaceVR
  • Amazon
  • Baobab Studios
  • Bitmovin
  • Daydream
  • Facebook
  • Fibrum
  • Google
  • HTC
  • Imagination Technologies
  • Improbable
  • KnoxLabs
  • Leap Motion
  • Merge VR
  • NextVR
  • Pixvana
  • Samsung
  • Social VR
  • Unity
  • VicoVR
  • VisiSonics
  • Vroom
  • Wevr
  • nDreams
  • uSens
  • vMocion

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