Since 14 January 2013, a special purpose vehicle, established for implementation of the "Polish Investments" Programme will use its target name of Polskie Inwestycje Rozwojowe SA, consistent with the statute.

During the upcoming week, a call for the position of a President of the management board will be announced. With the completion of the company's organization process, the Ministry of Treasury will start talks with entrepreneurs, during which it will present the Programme's products. The project also received professional graphic design.

The Ministry of Treasury is about to complete its organizational works related to creation of a special purpose vehicle of the "Polish Investments" Programme. The company Polskie Inwestycje Rozwojowe SA (PIR), founded at the end of last year, is - next to the Bank of National Economy - the second pillar of the programme. From today, it uses its registered name, while at the beginning of next week, a contest for the position of a president will be launched. "Pursuant to our principle of objective competitions, a professional executive search agency will look for an expert with a long-term experience in banking and investment" - says the Minister of Treasury Miko

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