Auction Result of 2-Year JGBs on January 29, 2015

Security Issue Number Auction Date Issue Date Maturity Date Nominal Coupon Amounts of Competitive Bids (billion yen) Amounts of Bids Accepted (billion yen) Lowest Accepted Price (per 100 yen) Yield at the
Lowest Accepted Price
Allotment for Bids at the Lowest Accepted Price Weighted Average Price (per 100 yen) Yield at the Average Price Amounts of Non-competitive Bids Tendered/Accepted (billion yen) Amounts of Bids Accepted at the Non-price -competitive Auction Ⅰ for JGB Market Special Participants  (billion yen) Amounts of Bids Accepted at the Non-price -competitive Auction Ⅱ for JGB Market Special Participants  (billion yen)
2-year 349 1/29/2015 2/16/2015 2/15/2017 0.1% 10,871.8 2,558.0 100.180 0.009% 57.6529% 100.186 0.006% 0.365 140.8 0.0

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