STORY: :: This museum, a world record-breaker for the largest model

train set, is now home to mini replicas of Euro 2024 hotspots

:: Hamburg, Germany

:: June 20, 2024

:: Frederik Braun, Co-Founder, Miniatur Wunderland

"We are very proud to have the European Championship in Germany. So, of course, we have so many ideas. If it's here in our home city, what can we do in our exhibition? We have a stadium. We are all very interested, so it was clear that we would do some small things."

:: Braun says that as the championship moves on

more soccer-themed scenes will be put on display

The city's ever-popular "Miniatur Wunderland" (Miniature Wonderland) has gone into overdrive, meticulously reproducing the local Volksparkstadion stadium, crowd scenes, and other aspects of the month-long tournament.

Nearly 24 million people have visited the attraction since it opened in 2000.