SAN DIEGO, Jan. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- When ParentsWare first conceptualized OurPact, they knew success was on their heels. It was only a matter of time before remote screen time management would become a conventional parenting measure.

OurPact, ParentsWare's free iOS application, enables parents to control their children's mobile devices automatically. Internet and apps vanish at-a-touch or through recurring schedules set up within parent's phones or tablets, transforming an all-too-common parenting conundrum into an effortless undertaking.

The launch of OurPact in February 2015 was perfectly timed; the market was ripe for picking, and no similar solution was available - nor able - to operate effectively under Apple's stringent guidelines. In tandem with release, a goal was set by the team to acquire 150,000 users by year's end. Within the first two weeks of 2016, their user base stands at well over a quarter million, representing a growth of 1,150% since June 2015 alone. This milestone can be expected to double in a fraction of the time, given their plans to release Android in the coming months.

"The momentum hasn't stopped building," Jim Magner, the president of ParentsWare states. "We have an amazing team, a stunning product, and a virtually untapped market. To top it off, this app is truly making a difference for families. Ten years from now, kids on the other end of our software will be thanking us."

To date, ParentsWare has raised $6 million from sophisticated investors around the world experienced in founding, operating and selling industry-leading companies. Paired with an accomplished advisory board, ParentsWare's OurPact has benefitted from the guidance of experts in software, finance, media, and public health.

As of now, OurPact is ranked as the number one parental control app in the iOS App Store. Just last month, esteemed chef Jamie Oliver took it upon himself to share a home video explaining how the app operates and that it has 'changed his life'. Since the clip was shared, it has garnered just short of 4 million views and almost 27,000 likes.

This momentum OurPact is experiencing is impressive, but to say it's surprising is a far cry. Parents dream of using this app before they even know it exists.

ParentsWare, Inc.

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SOURCE ParentsWare, Inc.