Ref 072/2013
December 24th, 2013
Subject: News Alert on the Notification of the last exercise of the Warrants LIVE-W1
To: The President
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Regarding to the letter of LIVE Incorporation Public Company Limited ("the Company") Ref. 067/2013 dated on December 2nd, 2013 which the Company has noticed through the information disclosure channel of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It notified to the schedule of exercising the rights to purchase ordinary shares no. 1 ("LIVE-W1") (the "Warrants LIVE-W1") which the last exercise is on January 21st, 2014.
The Company would like to inform the last exercise of the Warrants as follows;

Notification Period: During the time of 9.00 a.m. - 4 p.m. of 26 and 27 of December 2013 and 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 20 of January 2014 ONLY.

Contact Place to exercise: LIVE Incorporation Public Company Limited, 390 Ramkhamhaeng
Rd., Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240. Contact Persons: Mr. Suttirod Eaktaraphipat,
Mr. Tharakorn Junkerd
Tel: 02-7363850 ext. 4601, 4302
It is noted that if the LIVE-W1 Warrant holders who do not exercise their rights within this last exercise period, pursuant to the terms of the LIVE-W1 Terms and Conditions. The Warrant holders shall be considered as they do not wish to exercise their rights and their Warrants LIVE-W1 shall be nullified without being exercised.
Therefore, in order to protect the LIVE-W1 Warrants holders' rights, the Company would like the holders to study the details of the rights to purchase ordinary shares according to the LIVE-W1 last exercise
from the letter of the Company, Ref. 067/2013 dated on December 2nd, 2013.
Please be informed accordingly.
Best Regards,
- singed -
(Mr. Tharakorn Junkerd) The Company Secretary

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