Presley died on Jan. 12 at the age of 54. Earlier that day, she had been rushed to a Los Angeles-area hospital after reportedly suffering cardiac arrest at her home. She is survived by her daughters, actress Riley Keough and 14-year-old twins Finley and Harper Lockwood.

"Our heart is broken, Lisa. We all love you," Priscilla Presley said at the memorial after reading out a poem to her daughter by one of her grandchildren.

The boyfriend of Lisa Marie Presley's daughter, actress Riley Keough, read out a message from her.

"Thank you for giving me strength, my heart, my empathy, my courage, my sense of humor, my manners, my temper, my wildness, my tenacity. I'm a product of your heart," he said.

Elvis Presley and other members of his family are buried at Graceland's Meditation Garden.

Lisa Marie Presley will also be buried there alongside the grave of her son, Benjamin Keough, who died in 2020 at age 27. In a recent essay, she had described herself as "destroyed" by her son's death.