KORE, the people powering the Internet of Things (IoT) innovations and opportunities, today released an e-Book titled “Build vs. Buy: Choosing the Right Connectivity Infrastructure for your IoT Application.” The guide explores both the pros and cons of building an Internet of Things connectivity infrastructure from the ground up and purchasing off-the-shelf solutions to support the implementation.

As IoT adoption continues to excel at an exponential pace, the vendor ecosystem is expanding and evolving to benefit businesses with choices that were once nonexistent. At the heart of any connected solution is the connectivity infrastructure, and businesses now have the option to build their own infrastructure from the ground up, or purchase an off-the-shelf solution. This eBook provides insight for decision-makers to analyze both the “Build” and the “Buy” scenarios, and choose the best for their organization.

“Scalable connectivity options have accelerated IoT to near-ubiquity across enterprises. Now that a ‘Build vs. Buy’ decision exists, it’s increasingly important for organizations to consider the merits of both options and choose the infrastructure that makes the most business sense,” said Alex Brisbourne, CEO, KORE. “The learnings we’ve gained partnering with businesses of all sizes throughout many industries are shared in this guide. It’s our hope that it will equip readers with the insight necessary to make decisions that propel their business forward with cost savings and efficiency.”

The e-Book is available for download here. To learn more about how KORE can assist with IoT infrastructure strategies, please visit www.korewireless.com. KORE delves deep into customer needs and vision, creating customized solutions for rapid go-to-market timelines from development to connectivity and certification. Count on KORE’s 350 experts serving customers in 110 countries, empowering new business models and opportunities to monetize the IoT.

About KORE
KORE provides the people, expertise and technology to support the many visions of the IoT, from the Inspiration of Things to the Innovation of Things to the Internet of Things. Founded in 2003, KORE quickly rose to become the world’s largest managed network services provider specializing in Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communications. Today, KORE is a global leader in software service and platforms that power the IoT, with millions of active on-network units. KORE is the brand powering other leading brands, including some of the world’s largest enterprise customers. KORE’s singular customer-centric focus is to identify and develop solutions that help clients realize IoT innovations and accelerate time-to-market schedules. KORE has over 350 people who serve customers in 110 countries, empowering new business models and opportunities to monetize the IoT. KORE: the people powering IoT.

For more information, visit www.korewireless.com, read the KORE blog and connect with KORE on LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo.