Jericho Systems Corporation, developer of sophisticated content filtering and data security solutions, has announced the release of EnterSpace 9. Built upon Jericho’s flagship EnterSpace Technology®, EnterSpace 9 is an advanced software suite for accessing, redacting, masking, and anonymizing data to ensure privacy and protect sensitive information. EnterSpace 9 performs automated, context-sensitive decisions based on configurable digital policies and rules for the growing Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. EnterSpace Technology® significantly reduces the risk of data breaches, mitigates insider threats, and protects brand reputation.

“As a former client of Jericho Systems, I can attest to the fact that EnterSpace is a trusted, American-made, interoperable solution,” said Tony Sanchious, CIO of Jericho Systems. “Jericho’s new data labeling and segmentation capability can quickly identify and isolate sensitive information, allowing greater information sharing during complex national emergency responses.”

EnterSpace 9 is well suited to replace legacy data access filter technology that is non-scalable, limited to SQL databases, and susceptible to personally identifiable information (PII) re-identification. Additionally, EnterSpace adheres to multiple industry standards and protocols such as XACML, SAML, FHIR®, and OAuth 2.0/UMA, to maximize interoperability and scalability across multiple sectors such as healthcare, finance, law enforcement, intelligence and others.

The new EnterSpace 9 capabilities include a Secure Token Service (STS) that allows for the creation of a SAML 2.0 assertion for trusted authentication and attributes following FICAM, GFIPM, and NIEF frameworks. EnterSpace 9 offers a Connector to the Backend Attribute Exchange (BAE). The FICAM BAE v2 is a standards based architecture and interface specification to securely obtain attributes of subjects (e.g. PIV and PIV-I card holders, federation members with a unique identifier), from authoritative sources, to make access control decisions and/or to do provisioning. EnterSpace 9 provides the following benefits:

  • Evaluates digital access requests against policies and rules
  • Creates and applies security tags, policies, and rules to data segments
  • Redacts sensitive data segments prior to document release
  • Extends to reflect requirements of multiple organizations and jurisdictions
  • Tracks and audits request and decision history
  • Integrates easily with legacy environments
  • Supports DoD/IC security classification tagging CAPCO requirements

“The powerful data filtering capabilities included in EnterSpace 9 extends the concept of externalized access control down to the level of data elements themselves, while remaining true to the principle of separation of concerns. Security policies can evolve separately from the API, greatly reducing the time and cost to bring a new “view” of the data to a different audience,” said Michael Dufel Chief Software Architect for Jericho Systems.

Jericho’s robust research and development team of subject matter experts of Data Labeling and Data Segmentation (DLDS™) have presented in multiple forums to include: HIMSS, ISSA LA, RSA, AUSA, Open Geospatial Consortium Testbed 11 Geo4NIEM Thread, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, and DHS CSD PIV-I/FRAC Technology Transition Working Group.

“EnterSpace 9 protects critical assets at the data layer. Built upon 13 years of success in Enterprise Attribute and Policy Based Access Control, EnterSpace 9 offers CISOs and CSOs a layered security posture for enhanced collaboration and situational awareness. Specifically, EnterSpace 9 mitigates PII and PHI exposure in the event of a data breach, thereby improving U.S. public trust and confidence that information is controlled and protected appropriately, in accordance with compliance requirements at all levels of government and commercial entities,” said Brynn Mow CEO.

About Jericho Systems Corporation

Dallas-based Jericho Systems Corporation develops and implements fine-grained, policy-based data filtering technology that enables attribute-based access control (ABAC). Since 2002, Jericho Systems remains the pioneer in privacy and security solutions. Jericho’s flagship product, EnterSpace®, is the first Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) product, proven and deployed across financial services, healthcare, US defense, and US intelligence. EnterSpace Exchange®, customized for the healthcare enterprise, has been recognized by privacy industry experts as a “Best Privacy Technology.” Jericho Systems’ solutions were inspired by the attacks on 9/11 and our country’s need to securely share information in increasingly complex, global environments. Jericho Systems technology is exclusively Made in America.

For more information or to arrange a product demonstration, please call 972-231-2000, email, or visit