WASHINGTON, Jan. 3, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- AARP takes a stand on attempts to cut, scale back, or diminish Medicare benefits. Currently, 57 million Americans rely on these benefits for their healthcare. The cover story, "Why Medicare Matters," in the January/February issue of AARP Bulletin delves into the state of Medicare today, terms consumers need to know, and what proposed changes mean for you and your family, including the top-five questions people are asking about Medicare today.

In her monthly column, entitled "We'll Fight For Medicare," AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins gives her take on the organization's long history of fighting for affordable health care and its stance against attempts to cut Medicare. AARP has long opposed attempts to force seniors to pay more for their health care. As the Medicare debate heats up in Congress, Jenkins shares how AARP will vigorously protect and defend the health care coverage that Medicare beneficiaries receive.

Learn more at http://www.aarp.org/why-medicare-matters-special-report.html. Interviews with AARP's experts are available upon request.

Other Stories in the January/February AARP Bulletin include:

10 Jobs Retirees Should Consider: So, you've finally retired but a little extra cash could help with insurance costs or pay for a much-deserved vacation. According to a recent survey by Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, 40 percent of boomers plan to work part time after leaving the workforce. The trick to going back to work is to find something that feels more like fun than a workday grind. AARP Bulletin outlines 10 gigs that offer unique rewards. Which one matches your interest?

A Phone Fraud Alert: "Hi, Grandpa. I'm in Jail": Fraudsters are aggressively targeting older Americans and the grandparent scam is on the rise. In 2015 alone, the Federal Trade Commission received more than ten thousand "family/friend imposter" fraud complaints - it's impossible to track how many more victims of these calls didn't notify authorities. Today's phone scammers are agile monsters; they know your name, grandchildren's names, phone numbers and intimate details about your life - information they use to rob you of your hard earned money. The January/February Bulletin profiles the stories of several victims and outlines 5 steps to protect you from getting scammed.

How to Talk So Your Doctor Will Listen: As medical demands increase with an aging population, it seems like your time with the doctor is getting shorter. As a matter of fact, most doctor visits last 13 to 16 minutes accord­ing to Medscape's 2016 "Physician Compensa­tion Report." With limited time to discuss the details about your health, frustration may build and there's a greater risk of being misdiagnosed when there's a lack of communication between you (the patient) and your doctor. So after your greet them, get to the point! AARP Bulletin highlights key strategies to maximize your visit and talk so your physician will listen. Don't miss the 5 most important questions to ask your doctor.

Disrupt Aging by Designing For The Next Chapter: AARP celebrates embracing life, reinventing yourself and reaching your goals no matter your age. To support individuals embarking on a new phase of life AARP collaborated with Lifetime's Project Runway for a fashion design challenge called "The Next Chapter". The January/February Bulletin reveals the winner and the surprise recipient of the winning design. Read about the surprise twists the Project Runway designers endured during this exciting and emotionally-driven challenge. To see the episode, go to mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway/season-15/episode-9.

About AARP Bulletin
The definitive news source for AARP's members, AARP Bulletin (
http://www.aarp.org/bulletin/) reaches more than 23.5 million households each month in print, with additional news and in-depth coverage online. Covering health and health policy, Medicare, Social Security, consumer protection, personal finance, and AARP state and national news developments, AARP Bulletin delivers the story behind the key issues confronting 50+ America. The monthly consumer-oriented news publication has become a must-read for congressional lawmakers and Washington opinion leaders, and it provides AARP members with pertinent information they need to know.

About AARP
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million that helps people turn their goals and dreams into 'Real Possibilities' by changing the way America defines aging. With staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and promote the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare security, financial security and personal fulfillment. AARP also advocates for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name. As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world's largest circulation magazine, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. To learn more, visit
www.aarp.org or follow @aarp and our CEO @JoAnn_Jenkins on Twitter.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/januaryfebruary-issue-of-aarp-bulletin-features-a-special-report-on-medicare-how-proposed-changes-can-affect-you-and-well-fight-for-medicare-column-by-aarp-ceo-jo-ann-jenkins-300384677.html