MIAMI, Jan. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- The Save a Child's Heart Foundation, Israel's largest international humanitarian project, has established a regional office in Miami that will serve Florida and the Southeastern area of the United States. Ami Glottmann, a member of the Save a Child's Heart Board of Governors, has been appointed the regional chair. Ami and her husband Jack are hosting the first Save a Child's Heart event in Florida on January 28. The "Cocktails and Conversation" reception on the evening of January 28 is intended to increase awareness of the work of Save a Child's Heart. Guests will have the opportunity to meet and speak with Dr. Arie Schachner, International President, and Dr. Lior Sasson, the organization's chief surgeon.

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Save a Child's Heart, based at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel, works to improve the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children suffering from congenital heart disease in developing countries, and to create local medical centers of competence in these countries. Founded in 1995, the organization has treated more than 7,500 children from 50 different countries, including a cardiology clinic held at the Wolfson Medical Center every Tuesday for Palestinian children from Gaza and the West Bank.

Save a Child's Heart patients, whose ages range from infant to teenagers, come from the "Four Corners of the Earth": 40% of the children are from Africa; 49% from the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Jordan & Iraq; and 11% from Eastern Europe, Asia and South America.

Save a Child's Heart has trained more than 100 foreign physicians and nurses at its hospital in Israel. The organization has trained Tanzania's first pediatric cardiac surgeon and is currently training Ethiopia's first pediatric cardiac surgeon.

The Save a Child's Heart medical team of 70 dedicated experts volunteers their time without any payment. The organization has been recognized by the US government, European Union and United Nations for its achievements.

Save a Child's Heart is building a new Children's Hospital at the Wolfson Medical Center, which will house the Middle East's first international pediatric cardiac care center. This facility will also serve 10% of Israel's children.

For further information about the event, please contact Michele Burger, Southeastern Regional Director, Save a Child's Heart, E-mail, or Ami Glottmann, Southeastern Regional Chair, Save a Child's Heart, E-mail

Contact: David Litwack
Phone: 301-785-0720

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SOURCE Save a Child's Heart Foundation