Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Monday demanded that former U.S. President Donald Trump face trial for the killing or Tehran would take revenge.


"If a just prosecution court is set up for (former U.S. President Donald) Trump, (former Secretary of State Mike) Pompeo, and the other criminals where they are prosecuted for the shocking crime and they face the consequences of their horrible actions then so be it. If not, do not doubt that I will tell every American official that the fist of revenge will extend from the sleeve of the Islamic ummah."

Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, was killed in Iraq in a drone strike on Jan. 3, 2020, ordered by then President Trump.

Iran's foreign minister at the time called the attack an act of "international terrorism."

Days after the assassination, the United States told the United Nations that the killing was self-defense and vowed to take additional action as necessary in the Middle East to protect U.S. personnel and interests.

On Sunday, Iran urged the United Nations Security Council in a letter to hold the U.S. and Israel to account, according to Iranian media. Tehran says Israel was also involved in the killing.

Iran and groups allied with it in Iraq have been holding events to honor Soleimani.

The 62-year-old general, Tehran's most prominent military commander and the architect of its growing influence in the Middle East, was regarded as the second most powerful figure after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.