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(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


Reference is made to the announcements of Huabao International Holdings Limited (the " Company ") dated 19 October 2011 and 26 June 2012, respectively (collectively, the "Announcements"). Unless otherwise stated, terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the aforesaid Announcements.
The Company has been informed by Ms. CHU Lam Yiu ("Ms. Chu"), the controlling shareholder and the Chairman of the Company, that by an amendment agreement dated 10 January 2013, Ms. Chu has extended the expiry date of the Derivative Transaction to and including 31 December
2015, where settlement of the transaction as contemplated by the agreement will be conducted within 80 days after the expiry date (the "Extension").
The Company has also been informed that save for the Extension, the other terms and conditions of the Derivative Transaction remain unchanged (including but not limited to the long position nature of the Derivative Transaction, settlement thereof by cash on expiry date and the early termination right exercisable by Ms. Chu).
Details of Ms. Chu's shareholdings in the Company before and immediately after the Extension are as follows:
Before the Extension:
Ms. Chu, through companies wholly owned by her, indirectly held in aggregate 1,219,813,415 shares of the Company, representing approximately 38.83% of the total issued shares of the Company.
Immediately after the Extension:
Ms. Chu, through companies wholly owned by her, indirectly held in aggregate 1,219,813,415 shares of the Company, representing approximately 38.83% of the total issued shares of the Company.

Investors shall be cautious in dealing in the securities of the Company.

By Order of the Board

Huabao International Holdings Limited POON Chiu Kwok

Executive Director

Hong Kong, 10 January 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises six executive directors, namely Ms. CHU Lam Yiu (Chairman), Messrs. LAU Chi Tak (CEO), POON Chiu Kwok, WANG Guang Yu, XIA Li Qun, XIONG Qing and three independent non-executive directors, namely Dr. JIN Lizuo, Mr. LEE Luk Shiu and Ms. MA Yun Yan.

* For identification purposes only


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