The families of Classical Conversations in the Blue Ridge area will host a dance party at noon on Thursday, January 28 at Rainbow Forest Baptist Church, 1338 Rainbow Forest Drive in Troutville. The event is open to the public and is designed to highlight the homeschool curriculum and community provided by Classical Conversations.

The dance party is planned to coincide with National School Choice Week 2016, the nation’s largest-ever celebration of excellent options in education.

More than 100 students and parents are expected to attend to show solidarity surrounding the school choice options provided by Classical Conversations.

Classical Conversations supports homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of learning through a Christian worldview in fellowship with other families. The homeschool program serves grades K-12.

National School Choice Week (January 24–30, 2016) will be America’s largest-ever celebration of opportunity in education. Featuring more than 16,000 independently organized events across all 50 states, the Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for children. National School Choice Week is independent, nonpolitical, and nonpartisan, and embraces all types of educational choice – from traditional public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling.

For more information, contact Laura Griffith at