More than 600 healthcare leaders from across the US and around the world will gather in Chicago for the ninth annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, June 14-15, 2018, presented by Catalysis, to learn and share the latest insights and strategies to transform healthcare organizations, create value, and enhance quality and patient care.

“Change is bearing down fast on healthcare in the US, it will be as disruptive as it is inevitable because we can no longer afford to pay huge bills for substandard care,” John Toussaint, MD, CEO of Catalysis.

“When you are working on transformation you have blind spots. You don’t have the richness of connectivity that Catalysis brings. When you have hundreds of people with their own history, own skills, own knowledge… I can’t find that anywhere else,” said Didier Rabino, VP and Lean Sensei at HealthEast; a Catalysis Healthcare Value Network Member.

This two-day conference, which offers continuing education credits, will feature keynotes by thought leaders, interactive breakout sessions, and pre-Summit workshops.

Keynote Speakers – John Toussaint, MD, CEO of Catalysis; Lisa Yerian, MD, Vice Chair and Medical Director, Continuous Improvement at Cleveland Clinic; Marianne Griffiths, CEO of Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (UK); Jim Morgan, Senior Lean Product and Processes Development Advisor at Lean Enterprise Institute; and Stephen Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA, of the Center for Lean Engagement & Research in Healthcare.

Learning Sessions – Cover unique topics for lean leaders and senior executives with any level of lean experience in a small, interactive setting. Session speakers include: Mike Hoseus, co-author with Jeffrey Liker of Toyota Culture; and Dr. Michael Johnston, VP for Corporate Operations at Carolinas HealthCare System.

Pre-Summit Workshops – 16 sessions, held on June 12-13, to help build skills essential to organizational transformation. Led by faculty with first-hand experience in the industry.

Learn more and register at:

About Catalysis

Catalysis helps healthcare leaders in the United States and Europe create system-wide, transformative change. We believe in care delivery designed around the patient, payment and incentives based on value and outcomes, and transparency of performance (quality and cost). Learn more at: