Growing and selling malting barley focus of half-day events

This year's HGCA-supported MAGB malting barley events offer even greater opportunities to learn about growing and selling malting barley.

Aimed at all involved in the barley supply chain, each event includes a malting barley market overview, delivered by one of AHDB/HGCA's senior analysts, discussions on the local market by a maltster and a technical presentation looking at grain skinning.

Each event also incorporates a visit, allowing specific aspects of malting barley production to be discussed.

MAGB Malting Barley Brunch, supported by HGCA (incorporating Meet the Processor)

Great Ryburgh, Norfolk - 21 January (event almost fully booked)

This event incorporates HGCA's Meet the Processor which will see Crisp Malting Group open its doors. Commercial Director, Bob King, will discuss how these modern malting facilities are producing quality malt for both the domestic and export markets.

MAGB Malting Barley Brunch, supported by HGCA (incorporating Meet the Processor)

Bridlington, Yorkshire - 30 January

This event incorporates HGCA's Meet the Processor which will see Muntons provide a tour of its site near Bridlington. This 11 hectare site is home to a modern and efficient maltings facility which produces distilling, brewing and food malts for both the domestic and export markets. Director, Mark Ineson, will discuss production requirements which use barley sourced mainly from the Yorkshire Wolds and the Vale of York.

MAGB Malting Barley Brunch, supported by HGCA (incorporating Monitor Farm Visit)

Inverness ­- 13 February

This event incorporates a Monitor Farm meeting and visit to Ballicherry Farm, where new Monitor Farmers Brian and Caroline Matheson grow 190 hectares of spring barley. Eddie Douglas, Operations Manager for Bairds Malt Inverness, will provide the local maltsters' perspective - the business supplies malt to the surrounding distilleries in Speyside and Morayshire.

How to book

For further details or to book your place, call 024 7647 8724 or visit

BASIS and NRoSO points have been applied for.

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