GutCheck, a pioneer in the agile market research space, today announced the launch of GutCheck Constellation™—a solution that connects survey data with big data to give clients research-grade insights, powered by billions of consumer profiles. This solution represents the next wave of agile market research in which the same speed, quality, and affordability are applied at scale to increase audience understanding using survey and big data. Using a new methodology that ensures research-grade data and results, clients are now enabled to bridge the gap from research to activation—and connect research to results.

This clear-cut application of big data will help researchers and marketers solve complex business problems like market fragmentation and mass personalization, at a time when both are asked to do more with smaller budgets and less time. With the $18 billion shift in share from large to small and mid-size businesses in 2017, it’s clear consumers want to feel that products are tailored to them; they want to feel connected to the brands they buy from. In order to keep up, researchers and marketers need modern, agile tools to take advantage of the wealth of consumer information now at their fingertips.

This new solution does that and much more. It identifies the best opportunities for market growth, provides a fuller picture of target consumers, and tells clients how to effectively tailor messages to consumers and target them based on attributes like media consumption, lifestyles, social listening, and other behavioral data. This helps clients build products and content that feel tailored to the individual who is seeing their ad.

GutCheck has invested in methods and processes to address client concerns about the veracity of big data and client pain points related to extracting insights in a scalable way.

“We apply research fundamentals to everything we do to accurately solve business problems with precision and objectivity. Because data quality varies by source, we’ve created our own process for thoroughly vetting the different sources. By taking into account inherent biases and normalizing the data, we’re able to up-level the veracity of big data to create research-grade data. This ensures the insights you apply can make your activities and strategies that much more effective,” said Chief Research Officer Renee Smith.

It’s important to illuminate the magnitude of big data and its sources to understand its impact on the research industry in particular. CEO Matt Warta explains, “The data management platforms (DMP) we leverage at GutCheck have billions of consumer profiles with 10,000 attributes. Put into perspective, you’d need to run 500 million surveys to produce a similar amount of data. Solutions like GutCheck Constellation that combine survey and big data allow us to draw out truly unique insights, critical for confident decision-making.

“For example, when one of our food and beverage clients used this solution, we found a large number of switchers available in the market and identified two primary brands to position against to capture the most switchers. We also identified audiences that are eight times more efficient than the ones they were currently targeting. The findings provided our client the answers they needed to effectively message and activate against their retail conquests to grow market share.”

Relying solely on survey research or big data only tells half of the consumer story; it’s the union of survey research and big data that produces a holistic view of consumers and provides the connective tissue between research and results.

Chief Product Officer Keith Johnson adds, “Over time, clients who take advantage of this scalable, fast solution will be able to ask consumers fewer survey questions by using existing big data, which means we will continue to deliver insights to our clients with more speed and value—truly enabling them to do more with less. As agile market researchers, this is already our promise. GutCheck Constellation is the next evolution of agility, wherein we effectively master big data. As we continue successfully bringing these two worlds together, our knowledge of consumer behavior will continue to grow exponentially, leading to unprecedented understanding.”

GutCheck continues to challenge the status quo in the market research industry. To learn more about its evolution and see how clients are using agile market research solutions to move their businesses forward and stay innovative, visit the GutCheck website.

About GutCheck

At GutCheck, we pioneered agile market research to provide our clients with actionable answers and insights, globally, at the speed of their business. Our team of full-service experts uses our analytics platform to help clients make more confident business decisions by connecting them with their target consumers more often and earlier on in development.