For Immediate Release
January 23, 2015

Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
Moricetown Band

VICTORIA - The Moricetown Band has reached agreements for two proposed natural gas pipeline projects to become partners in B.C.'s liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry and opening the door to economic growth within its community and membership.

Pipeline benefits agreements with First Nations are part of the B.C. government's comprehensive plan to partner with First Nations on LNG opportunities, which also includes developing skills training and environmental stewardship projects.

Through a pipeline benefits agreement signed with the Province for TransCanada's proposed Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline project, the Moricetown Band will receive approximately $6 million as project milestones are reached: $998,000 upon the agreement coming into effect, $2.49 million when construction begins, and $2.49 million once the pipeline is operating. It is the sixth announced agreement between the Province and First Nations for the CGL project.

Moricetown will also join the First Nations Limited Partnership and share in the benefits associated with the proposed Pacific Trail Pipeline project. Moricetown is the 16th and final First Nation or Band to join the Partnership which will share in $32 million in benefits once construction has started.

In addition to construction-related milestone payments, the Band will receive a yet-to-be-determined share of $10 million a year in ongoing benefits per project. The ongoing benefits will be available to First Nations along the natural gas pipeline routes. The B.C. government anticipates signing similar agreements with other First Nations in the near future.

Provincial benefits-sharing on these pipeline projects offers First Nations resources to partner in economic development, complements industry impact benefit agreements that provide jobs and business opportunities, and is a powerful way for government and First Nations to work together to help grow the LNG industry.


John Rustad, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation -

"Moricetown Chief and Council have my support for what I know has been a very difficult decision for their community and I admire their courage. LNG development in B.C. has the potential to bring positive, sweeping changes for many communities and First Nations in the North - environmentally, economically, and through access to quality, well-paying jobs and training opportunities. Partnerships like the ones we are making with Moricetown open doors for First Nations to benefit from these opportunities."

Chief Barry Nikal, Moricetown Band -

"The journey has been challenging for us and hard on our community. Many of our members have been hurt through this process but we now have the resources to come back together and restore our collective strength. Thank you to all the Elders, Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs and passionate community members who voiced their support for our decision. Having your presence in the last, crucial meetings has given Council the confidence to move forward with your support."

Rich Coleman, Minister of Natural Gas Development -

"Moricetown Band joining the First Nations Limited Partnership is one of the last pieces of the puzzle for the Pacific Trail Pipeline and demonstrates our government's commitment to building relationships with First Nations. Together with the Coastal GasLink pipeline benefits agreement, Moricetown Band has positioned itself as a full participant in B.C.'s LNG economy and the benefits that will flow from it."

Quick Facts:

  • Located halfway between Smithers and New Hazelton, Moricetown Band has approximately 1,790 members.
  • The Province issued an environmental assessment certificate for the proposed CGL project this fall. In addition to meeting conditions set out in the environmental assessment certificate, the project will now require various federal, provincial and local government permits to proceed.
  • The Province has reached pipeline benefits agreements with the Skin Tyee First Nation, Nee Tahi Buhn Indian Band, Wet'suwet'en First Nation, Kitselas First Nation and Yekooche First Nation for the proposed CGL project.
  • The Province has reached pipeline benefits agreements with the Nisga'a Nation, Gitxaala First Nation, Kitselas First Nation and Yekooche First Nation for TransCanada's proposed Prince Rupert Gas Transmission project.
  • The Province has reached pipeline benefits agreements with Gitxaala First Nation and Kitselas First Nation for Spectra Energy's proposed Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission project.
  • Pipeline benefits agreements are separate and different than industry impact benefit agreements. Pipeline benefits agreements are made between the Province and First Nations, exclusive of proponents. Impact benefit agreements are made between proponents and First Nations, exclusive of the Province.

Learn More:

Moricetown Band:

Pipeline benefits agreements the Province has signed with First Nations:

Environmental assessment certificate for the proposed CGL pipeline project:

More information on LNG in B.C., including the Province's latest news, frequently asked questions, and links to LNG skills and training can be found at:

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