TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GROUPIRA, INC. (GROUPIRA®), is delighted to sponsor PGA Tour Professional hopeful and a Web.com Tour Professional, Derek Barron. "Derek Barron epitomizes GROUPIRA®," said Co-Founder Yannis Koumantaros. "He is from Tacoma, Washington, grew up modestly, started golfing at age 17, and truly represents the 99% of us from main street."

Co-Founder Petros Koumantaros stated, "We look forward to Derek Barron making it in the PGA Tour -- representing GROUPIRA® and our community with his blue collar proudly displayed. Derek is a reminder to us that you need not come from means, nor start a chosen profession early. Through discipline, focus, and perseverance dreams can be made real."

GROUPIRA® will headline Derek Barron in a marketing campaign series of YouTube videos speaking to the 99% of main street Americans about saving for retirement. Under the trademark of "Just Earn It" he is promoting financial literacy to all Americans by encouraging "Extend Yourself" - a campaign focused on saving as much as you can, no matter how late in the savings cycle you may be. Derek started golfing 10+ years after the average PGA Professionals, worked every main street job imaginable - bartending, courier, construction, warehouse - and today plays Professional golf.

"I love everything about how I got to where I am today. GROUPIRA® is the only FinTech company whose ideology aligns with my journey, representing people exactly like me. I am proud to have them as my headline sponsor, and very proud to have opened my GROUPIRA® retirement account," remarked Derek. "Now I just need to choose an advisor from the ever-growing list to manage the next phase of my journey."

GROUPIRA® realizes Advisers face many challenges creating and managing client relationships. Chances are, the required minimum for your individual wealth management business might be higher than it otherwise could be, if you could originate and service smaller accounts more efficiently. The GROUPIRA® Program can help. Our electronic account origination system can integrate your advisory firm's service agreements and required disclosures. In addition, our technology platform makes it much easier to manage all accounts, regardless of size.

GROUPIRA® is completely independent and is financed exclusively by employee shareholders. We have not accepted any external capital, so we are free of conflicts of interest, and are not influenced by any venture capitalists. As a Financial Technology (FinTech) Company, our Members benefit from our un-conflicted approach to service, access to quality advice, and leading technology, all of which facilitate a simple and cost effective way to invest better for whatever comes next in life. Learn more here: www.groupira.com

About Derek Barron
Derek Barron is a PGA Tour Professional hopeful golfer who first golfed at age 17, and has played web.com Tour, PGA Tour, and Canadian Tour events 15 years later. Born and raised in Tacoma, WA, he is the first Professional golfer to start playing as late as he did in life. He is an aspiration to anyone who thinks it is too late in life to try the art of mastery. Learn more here: https://www.pgatour.com/players/player.36963.derek-barron.html

Yannis Koumantaros
253.565.2100 x258

