Crop yield is the ultimate factor for a healthy bottom line for farmers, and many growers find themselves wishing they had a direct pipeline to manufacturers and distributors of agricultural input products to share their opinions and objectives. For a short time, that desire to have a real voice is possible. An independent marketing research firm is seeking farmers who grow wheat, canola or both on at least 500 acres and agricultural sales professionals in Canada for a confidential, online study about agricultural inputs.

Bridget Adell, Solutions in Marketing President, stated, “We’re seeking decision makers for agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and other crop nutrition products. These participants can be farmers, retail sales representatives, crop consultants or agronomy sales professionals, with at least 5 years of experience in this field.”

The study will begin Sunday, January 18, 2015 and run until Friday, January 23, spending about 15-20 minutes per day. Online participation will require use of a high speed internet connection to log into a secure website, and answer questions, post photos, videos or web links and complete activities with thoughtful written responses. All opinions, responds and answers will be kept confidential. Participants who complete the study will receive $175.

Adell stated, “Participants are not required to disclose any proprietary business information or farming practices. We’re looking for experiences, opinions, personal perceptions and approaches about farming and crop input decision-making. The study’s focus will be on understanding practices and outlooks that impact agricultural input purchase decision-making.”

Those interested in participating in this study must register quickly - no later than Thursday, January 15, 2015. Please call Bridget Adell of Solutions in Marketing at 815-744-7950 or email