22 January 2016

                                        FT8 Plc                                    


    Execution of an Investment and Subscription Agreement

    FT8 LLC, a newly-formed and wholly-owned subsidiary of FT8 Plc, announces the
    execution of an Investment and Subscription Agreement with BIPS Technologies
    LLC, a U.S. company owned by Robert Fleury.

    The Agreement calls for FT8 LLC to initially acquire 40% of the Common Stock
    shareholding of BIPS Technologies LLC in exchange for technology rights
    developed by FT8 and FT8's commitment to cover the related program management
    and transactional banking fees associated with the administration of a
    Supplemental Insurance Funds Transfer Program. FT8's technology rights
    encompass processes related to the administration of the Supplemental Insurance
    Funds Transfer Program pursuant to a contract executed with Homeland
    HealthCare, Inc., a licensed and regulated Third Party Administrator of
    voluntary employee benefits. The technology rights being licensed by FT8 only
    pertain to the voluntary benefits market and do not preclude FT8 from servicing
    other insurance market segments. BIPS Technologies LLC will hold the
    contractual rights to administer the Supplemental Insurance Funds Transfer
    Program to service the clients of Homeland HealthCare, Inc.

    The existing contract with Homeland HealthCare, Inc. projects minimum employee
    enrollment of 75,000 individuals through the end of 2016, minimum cumulative
    employee enrollment of 200,000 individuals through the end of 2017, and minimum
    cumulative employee enrollment of 350,000 individuals through the end of 2018.
    BIPS Technologies Ltd projects that gross revenue per enrolled employee will be
    between US$ 1.05 - $1.15 per month. FT8 LLC would receive dividends based on
    the net profitability of the renewable, three-year contract with Homeland
    HealthCare, Inc. However, at this stage there can be no guarantee that these
    projected revenue levels will be achieved.

    There are no additional ongoing financial commitments associated with FT8 LLC's
    investment in BIPS Technologies LLC, a company that has no current sales
    turnover. The Investment and Subscription Agreement requires that this initial
    transaction between the parties be completed within 30 days.

    For further details please contact:

    Sean McShane  FT8 Plc +1 8172 718 169

    Phillip Pryor FT8 Plc +60 19 212 8026

    Katy Mitchell WH Ireland Limited +44 161 832 2174