CAIRO, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Egypt's state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), is believed to have booked at least 60,000 tonnes of Russian wheat in an international tender on Tuesday, traders said.

An additional 60,000 tonnes could be bought depending on the arrangement of bid bonds by the supplier Aston, traders added.

The World Bank, which is funding purchases from the tender, is believed to have approved the initial 60,000 tonne purchase late on Tuesday.

More detailed estimates of the quantities purchased and price are expected to be announced later this week but traders believe the cargoes were offered at a price of $337 per tonne on a cost and freight basis.

The state buyer was seeking an unspecified amount of wheat in an international purchasing tender as part of a World Bank-funded food security programme.

GASC said the tender was to supply 30,000, 40,000, 50,000, 55,000 or 60,000 tonnes on a C&F basis for shipment from Feb. 10-25 from any origin in the tenderbook. The wheat will be paid for at sight. (Reporting by Sarah El Safty and Michael Hogan, Editing by Chris Reese and Marguerita Choy)