13-01-2014 Current report no. 1/2014

Publication dates of interim reports in 2014

The Management Board of ECHO INVESTMENT S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer) hereby publishes the dates of publication of interim reports in 2014:

Quarterly reports:
- the consolidated quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2013: 27/02/2014
- the consolidated quarterly report for the first quarter of 2014: 15/05/2014
- the consolidated quarterly report for the third quarter of 2014: 13/11/2014

Semi-annual report
- the consolidated semi-annual report for the first half of 2014: 28/08/2014

Annual reports:
- the separate annual report for 2013: 29/04/2014
- the consolidated annual report for 2013: 29/04/2014

The Issuer hereby declares that according to §83 (1) and (3) of the Directive, the consolidated quarterly and semi-annual reports will respectively contain separate quarterly and semi-annual financial reports.

Legal basis: §103 (1) and § 83 (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (the Directive) on current and periodical information published by issuers of securities and terms of recognizing as equivalent information required by laws of a non-Member State of February 19, 2009 (Journal of Laws no. 33 item 259).

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