Ottawa, January 6, 2014

The Department of Finance announced today that Canada's official international reserves decreased by an amount equivalent to US$101 million during December to US$71,937 million.

Details on the level and composition of Canada's reserves as of December 31, 2013, as well as the major factors underlying the change in reserves, are provided below.  All figures are in millions of US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Foreign Currency Reserves
 millions of US dollars
Securities 57,457
Deposits 973
Total securities and deposits (liquid reserves): 58,430
Gold1 115
Special drawing rights (SDRs) 8,675
Reserve position in the IMF 4,717
  December 31, 2013 71,937
  November 29, 2013 72,038
Net change: -101
Details on Deposits
 millions of US dollars
Other central banks/Bank for International Settlements 973
Banks headquartered in Canada 0
  Of which: located abroad 0
Banks headquartered abroad 0
  Of which: located in Canada 0
Total: 973
Details of Net Change
 millions of US dollars
Reserves management operations2 120
Gains and losses on gold sales 0
Net investment gains and losses:
  Return on investments3 -432
  Foreign currency debt charges -81
  Revaluation effects4 293
Net government operations5 0
Official intervention 0
Other transactions -1
Net change: -101
Currency Composition of Deposits and Securities
 millions of US dollars
US dollars 39,514
Euro 18,637
Pound Sterling 0
Yen 279
Total: 58,430
Predetermined Short-Term Drains on Foreign Currency Reserves (Nominal Value)
 millions of US dollars
0-1 month 1-3 months 3-12 months Total
Foreign currency securities6:
  Principal -306 -1,746 -7,152 -9,204
  Interest -141 -181 -891 -1,214
Aggregate short forward positions in foreign currencies vis-à-vis Canadian dollar -107 -99 0 -207
Aggregate long forward positions in foreign currencies vis-à-vis Canadian dollar 0 0 0 0
Total net drains: -555 -2,027 -8,043 -10,625
Additional Information (Nominal Value)
 millions of US dollars
Undrawn, unconditional credit lines with banks headquartered outside Canada 0
Securities lent under repurchase agreements7 0
Securities held under repurchase agreements8 621
Financial derivatives assets (net, marked to market):
  Forwards -8
  Swaps -793


  1. On behalf of the Government of Canada,