Patients and Visitors Would No Longer Pay GST/HST on Hospital Parking Under Proposal

January 24, 2014 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty today announced proposed amendments to the Excise Tax Act to provide an exemption from the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) for hospital parking for patients and visitors. 

Interested parties may send their comments on the legislative proposals by February 24, 2014 to or to:

Tax Policy Branch
Department of Finance
140 O'Connor Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G5

Quick Facts
  • The Government of Canada is proposing legislative amendments that would provide an exemption from the GST/HST for hospital parking for patients and visitors.
  • This tax break for Canadians builds on the Government's record of support for families, students, seniors and pensioners, workers, and persons with disabilities. It also complements actions taken by the Government since 2006 to provide tax relief and other support to individuals faced with medical expenses.
  • Comments on the legislative proposals may be submitted to the Department of Finance until February 24, 2014.

"Our Government is committed to lowering the tax burden on Canadian families. We want to give Canadians a break on the cost of hospital parking when they visit a hospital either for their own health care needs or to support a family member or friend requiring health care. We expect that hospitals will pass these savings on to their patients and visitors, reducing the cost of hospital parking."

- Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance

"Our Government is committed to helping make it easier for Canadians to seek care or visit loved ones in the hospital. By removing the GST/HST from hospital parking, we hope these savings will be passed on to Canadians and reduce the cost of parking."

- Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health

"We appreciate the Government of Canada's decision to eliminate the GST/HST from hospital parking. Working closely with local advisory groups, hospitals will now have greater flexibility in determining how best to ensure that parking rates remain affordable for patients and their families."

- Anthony Dale, Interim President and CEO of the Ontario Hospital Association

Related Products
  • Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes Relating to theExcise Tax Act
  • Frequently Asked Questions: GST/HST Relief for Hospital Parking
Media Contacts

Marie Prentice
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Finance

Jack Aubry
Media Relations
Department of Finance

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