NAPERVILLE, Ill., Oct 3 (Reuters) - Six of the 11 U.S. Crop Watch soybean fields were harvested or started within the last week and yields either came in as predicted or slightly lower after dry weather hurt more than anticipated this summer.

Mid-last week, the southeastern Illinois and Indiana beans were the first two Crop Watch soybean fields to be harvested. The yield scores ended at 4.5 and 3.5, respectively, both a quarter-point below expectations.

Crop Watch producers have been evaluating yield potential for their corn and soy fields on a weekly basis since early July. Ratings are on a 1-to-5 scale, with 3 representing average yields and 5 record or near-record yields.

The Indiana fields were among the driest of any other Crop Watch fields this season, reducing the number of pods per node. Late-season rains made for nice filling conditions, saving what could have been a very disappointing result.

The southeastern Illinois soybeans were also a bit too dry this season, but the Kansas fields had an extremely dry finish. Harvest on the Kansas soybeans started on Sunday night with an early score of 1.5, below the prior projection of 2.

The soybean fields in South Dakota, Minnesota and eastern Iowa met the predicted scores of 2.75, 3.75 and 4.5. That is the same score as last year for eastern Iowa, a lower score in South Dakota but a higher one in Minnesota.

The Indiana soybeans were better than last year’s results, southeastern Illinois slightly worse and Kansas much worse.

The 11-field, unweighted average soybean yield fell to 3.48 from 3.57 last week, the lowest score of the season. That compares with last year’s final of 3.89. None of the unharvested soybean scores changed this week.

The average yield for the Crop Watch corn fields rose slightly to 3.7 from 3.68 last week after a small bump in western Iowa as early yields there are looking strong. The Kansas field is still the only completed Crop Watch corn field.

The Crop Watch farmers expect that harvest activity will keep moving at a quick clip this week, especially in western areas where warm, dry weather should continue. The next two weeks are forecast to be dry across the entire Corn Belt, though persistent cool temperatures in the east could limit field work.

The following are the states and counties of the 2022 Crop Watch corn and soybean fields: Griggs, North Dakota; Kingsbury, South Dakota; Freeborn, Minnesota; Burt, Nebraska; Rice, Kansas; Audubon, Iowa; Cedar, Iowa; Warren, Illinois; Crawford, Illinois; Tippecanoe, Indiana; Fairfield, Ohio.

Photos of the Crop Watch fields can be tracked on my Twitter feed using handle @kannbwx. Karen Braun is a market analyst for Reuters. Views expressed above are her own. (Editing by Matthew Lewis)