Housing for the Young

The state will help young people purchase their first flat or house. Young couples and singles will receive subsidies to their mortgage loans of up to 10 percent of the property value. Persons with children can expect another 5 percent and if they have more than two children within 5 years after the purchase of the housing they will get another 5 percent.

What are the specific conditions to qualify for the programme? For more information go to www.rodzina.gov.pl.

Full implementation of the 112 phone number

By dialling this emergency number, you will get connected with a professional operator from the, so called, emergency notification centre. Up to now part of the notifications were received by the police and fire service.

Raised minimum wage

The gross minimum wage has been raised to PLN 1,680 from PLN 1,600.

Deregulation of professions

Starting from January, there are no licences for:

  • real estate broker,
  • property manager,
  • tourist guide (city and area).
Rape persecuted ex officio

Rapists will be persecuted ex officio, while before 2014 they were persecuted on complaint.

The change comes into force on January 27, 2014. All the other changes went into effect on January 1.

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