Cardlay has through the last year and a half further developed their Cards and Expense Management platform into a license model for Commercial Banks. Cardlay’s platform secures Banks new revenue streams, optimisation of operation costs, digital retention strategy as well as utilisation of Big Data. These are 4 strategic areas that are significant focuses for Banks.

The capital injection comes from investors SEED Capital and SEB Venture Capital, who both have their origin in the Nordic Region and the Baltic Countries.Cardlay has developed a unique platform for a Frontend meeting with the Banks Commercial Clients, which gives an extraordinary possibility for better revenue for existing customer databases in addition to digitalising handling and services.” Says Johan Wolf, Senior Investment Manager SEB Venture.

SEED Capital first invested in 2016. Lars Andersen, General Partner SEED Capital, says of the investment We believe that Banks, both national and international, will seek partnerships even more in the future with FinTech companies to ensure innovation power and distinctly faster market launches. Cardlay comes with a proven concept from multiple integrations coupled with a focused international strategy to position themselves as a market leader in Frontend for commercial transactions”.

Cardlay’s vision is to enrich every transaction and thereby improve companies’ processes and will continue to challenge the endless possibilities for automation, Machine Learning as well as Artificial Intelligence. Banks can in partnership with Cardlay offer new business models to existing clients and create new revenue flows particularly in highly mature markets such as Europe, the UK, and North America. Founder, Jørgen Juul, states Cardlay has evolved from a strong Danish Business Case into an IT-Export adventure by having developed the right product at the right time for a market that hungers for digitalisation”.


Cardlay has in less than two years secured funding of 8 million USD to execute their internationalisation and cooperation with international Banks.

Founding Fathers

Strong corporate personalities such as Thorleif Krarup, Klaus Holse, Jørgen Bardenfleth and Herbert Nathan have besides their seed investment also invested in this A-round.

About Cardlay

Cardlay is a Danish FinTech Company that allows issuing Banks and card issuers to capitalize digitally on existing portfolios globally and create long-term digital customer relationships.

Offering new payment card functionalities, Cardlay is providing added value within cards, transactions, travel expense management, mileage, and VAT reclaim with a single software platform to issue, load, and manage cards and expenses globally for complete visibility and optimization in all processes.

Cardlay is driving change to improve the daily business lives of Bank’s corporate customers and their employees by continuously delivering innovative and market-leading software solutions. Built on automation and optimization; the solution meets a developing market’s need for disruption of card payments silo structures, card-handling processes, and galloping change of end-user’s behaviour.