More than a half of budget compensation of VAT was implemented in an automatic regime.

Owing to the positive balance, the state tax service of Ukraine has completely liquidated an expired debt in VAT compensation. The total sum of debt was shortened by UAH 4.5 billion.

As of 01.01.13for VAT 501 enterprises received UAH 23.2 billion. In comparison with a respective period of 2011 the amounts of direct compensation increased 1.5 fold.

In general UAH 182.9 billion of VAT was gathered during 2012. In comparison with 2011 the collection of tax increased by UAH 13.5 billion. Such results were entailed by measures in de-shadowing of economics, growth of amounts of production in industry and retail trade turnover; growth of import amounts, change of an order of taxation of operations in sale of imported natural gas on the customs territory of Ukraine.

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