PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Paris, 2 January 2014

Press release

Half-yearly report on transactions under the
CNP Assurances liquidity contract with Natixis

CNP Assurances has selected Natixis Securities to maintain a liquid market for
its shares. At 31 December 2013, the following resources were held in the
liquidity account:

  - 424 064 shares of CNP ASSURANCES
  - EUR60 634 387.12 in cash

As of the 30 June 2013 half-yearly report, the following resources were
allocated to the liquidity contract:

  - 1 224 619 shares of CNP ASSURANCES
  - EUR50 222 470.51 EUR in cash

As a matter of record, at the outset, the following resources were allocated to
the liquidity contract:

  - 261 009 shares of CNP ASSURANCES
  - EUR54 443 055 in cash

About CNP Assurances

CNP Assurances is France's leading personal insurer, with net profit of EUR951
million in 2012. The Group also has operations in other European countries and
in Latin America, with a significant presence in Brazil. It serves 27 million
insureds under personal risk and protection contracts worldwide and 14 million
savings and pensions policyholders.

For 160 years, CNP Assurances has been protecting people against the risks of
everyday life. CNP Assurances designs and manages life insurance, pension,
personal risk and protection (term creditor insurance and health insurance
products) products.

  - In France, CNP Assurances distributes its individual insurance products
    through La Banque Postale and the Caisses d'Epargne, as well as through its
    own CNP Trésor network. In Brazil, its second largest market, its partner
    is Caixa Econômica Federal, the country's second biggest state-owned bank.

  - In group insurance, CNP Assurances crafts tailor-made personal risk,
    pension and term creditor insurance products that are aligned with the
    needs of companies, local authorities, mutual insurers, non-profit
    organizations, and banks in Europe and Latin America.

Listed on the first market of the Paris Bourse since October 1998, CNP
Assurances enjoys the backing of a core group of four major shareholders
(Caisse des Dépôts, La Banque Postale, Groupe BPCE and the French State)
united by a shareholders' agreement.

Contacts presse
CNP Assurances

Florence de MONTMARIN
01 42 18 86 51

01 42 18 86 19

Contacts investisseurs et analystes
CNP Assurances

01 42 18 71 89

01 42 18 83 66
01 42 18 94 93

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