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The Board is pleased to announce that Mr. Tsui has been appointed as a non-executive Director with effect from 13 January 2017.

The Board is also pleased to announce that Dr. Chow has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director with effect from 13 January 2017.


The board (the "Board") of directors (the "Director(s)") of CCT Land Holdings Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce that Mr. Tsui Wing Tak ("Mr. Tsui") has been appointed as a non-executive Director with effect from 13 January 2017.

Mr. Tsui, aged 34, has over 11 years of experience in the accounting and corporate field. Mr. Tsui has been the chief executive officer of AE Majoris Advisory, which is principally engaged in the provision of corporate advisory services, since January 2012. He was the company secretary of Noble House (China) Holdings Limited (now known as Northern New Energy Holdings Limited) (stock code: 8246), a company listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange"), from July 2013 to August 2014. From August 2004 to January 2012, Mr. Tsui worked in an international accounting firm in Hong Kong with his last position as a manager in auditing.

Mr. Tsui graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a degree of bachelor of business administration (honours) in accounting in November 2004. He was admitted as a certified public accountant and a certified public accountant (practicing) of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants in January 2009 and January 2012 respectively.

Save as disclosed above, Mr. Tsui does not hold any directorships in other Hong Kong or overseas listed public companies in the last three years or any other positions in the Company or any subsidiaries of the Company. Mr. Tsui does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders (as defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities (the "Listing Rules") on the Stock Exchange) of the Company.

Mr. Tsui has not entered into any service contract with the Company and his remuneration will be determined by the Board. Mr. Tsui has been appointed for a term of not more than three years commencing from the date of appointment and his directorship in the Company is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the bye-laws of the Company.

As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Tsui does not have interests within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company and/or its associated corporations.

Mr. Tsui has confirmed that there is no information which should be disclosed under Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules nor is/was Mr. Tsui involved in any of the matters required to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements of the provisions under Rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules nor are there other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company in connection with his appointment.


The Board is also pleased to announce that Dr. Chow Ho Wan, Owen ("Dr. Chow") has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director with effect from 13 January 2017.

Dr. Chow, aged 41, is a director and chief executive officer of Sino Fame International Group Limited. He is also the founder and chairman of the Association of International Certified Financial Consultants (AICFC). Dr. Chow obtained the degree of Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1999 and subsequently obtained the degree of Master of Science in Finance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003, the degree of Bachelor of Laws from Tsinghua University, PRC in 2006 and the degree of Doctor of Business Administration from European University, Switzerland in 2011.

Dr. Chow holds various professional qualifications, including certified public accountant, certified financial consultant and certified financial management planner. He is also a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors and the Chartered Institute of Management, respectively. He has over 15 years of experience in the finance and accounting field and used to work in various international banks.

Dr. Chow also serves as an independent non-executive director of Hong Wei (Asia) Holdings Company Limited, a company listed on the Stock Exchange (stock code: 8191) since 1 August 2016. Save as disclosed above, Dr. Chow does not hold any directorships in other Hong Kong or overseas listed public companies in the last three years or any other positions in the Company or any subsidiaries of the Company. Dr. Chow does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company.

Dr. Chow has not entered into any service contract with the Company and his remuneration will be determined by the Board. Dr. Chow has been appointed for a term of not more than three years commencing from the date of appointment and his directorship in the Company is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the bye-laws of the Company.

As at the date of this announcement, Dr. Chow does not have interests within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company and/or its associated corporations.

Dr. Chow has confirmed that there is no information which should be disclosed under Rule 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules nor is/was Dr. Chow involved in any of the matters required to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements of the provisions under Rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules nor are there other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company in connection with his appointment.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Tsui and Dr. Chow for joining the Board.

By Order of the Board of



Hong Kong, 13 January 2017

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Mak Shiu Tong, Clement, Ms. Cheng Yuk Ching, Flora, Mr. Tam Ngai Hung, Terry, Mr. Huanfei Guan and Ms. Lai Mei Kwan; the non-executive Director is Mr. Tsui Wing Tak; and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Chow Siu Ngor, Mr. Lau Ho Kit, Ivan, Mr. Tam King Ching, Kenny and Dr. Chow Ho Wan, Owen.

CCT Land Holdings Limited published this content on 13 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 January 2017 09:10:04 UTC.

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