Today Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) released its January 2017 WasteWatcher, a monthly dispatch to members of the news media, highlighting some of the most prominent fiscal issues affecting American taxpayers. The stories from its January edition of WasteWatcher are listed in part as follows:

How to Make the Budget Great Again
By Rachel Cole
With the beginning of a new administration, the best and brightest in leadership are often selected to advise the President. House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, M.D. (R-Ga.), who has been nominated as the secretary of Health and Human Services, fits that description. Before he was nominated, Chairman Price proposed a series of critical changes to the budget process. Read the full storyhere.

Making Healthcare Great
By Elizabeth Wright
The repeal and replacement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, has begun. Read the full story here.

Mulvaney Faces Uphill Battle on Defense Spending
By Sean Kennedy
Incoming Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) will be tasked with developing plans to cut trillions of dollars in spending, based on the ideas being floated by the Trump transition team. While there are always challenges to implement such proposals, mostly from members of Congress, any suggestions to cut defense spending will face a particularly tough fight. Read the full story here.

Modernizing Federal Information Technology
By Deborah Collier
President Trump has made it clear that he wants to make significant changes in how government programs are managed. One of the best sources of the worst examples of wasteful spending for the president and his team is the Government Accountability Office High Risk List. Read the full story here.

Can President Trump Finally End the VA Scandal?
By Curtis Kalin
As the nation prepares for the transfer of power from the Obama administration to the Trump administration, the issue of veteran healthcare and the insidious and continuing wait-times scandal remains a critical area of concern. Read the full story here.

115th Congress: A New Sheriff (with a Powerful Posse) Has Arrived
By William M. Christian
For the first time since Democrats turned the Speaker’s gavel over to the Republicans in January 2011, the Pennsylvania Avenue axis of power will be under the control of a single party. Read the full story here.

CAGW is the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.