C. myers, a national leader in strategy and A/LM decision information, has launched its Strategic Leadership Development service for credit union executives. Comprised of Strategic Immersion for CEOs & CFOs, CEO Readiness, and Team & Individual Leadership Development, this service is specifically designed to help executives move to the next level of strategic leadership, in order to help their organizations continuously create relevance and remain agile.

Every business sector faces an increasingly competitive and fast-moving marketplace where outstanding talent is needed – and the fight for that talent is heating up.

Sally Myers, Principal of c. myers corporation, said, “The questions and decisions credit union executives need to tackle require a higher level of critical thinking and creativity.” Myers added, “This innovative service has been in the works for quite some time. It's a natural evolution of the strategy and financial work we've done over the years with executives and senior leadership teams.”

Brian McHenry, SVP/Principal, commented, “The launch of this additional business line could not be more timely, with unique competition challenging credit unions and a professional unemployment rate hovering around 2%.” McHenry continued, “Strategic leaders move beyond skill sets and learn to habitually live actions and qualities that are necessary to consistently and successfully navigate their teams through uncharted waters.”

C. myers has partnered with credit unions since 1991. Their philosophy is based on helping clients ask the right, and often tough, questions in order to create a solid foundation that links strategy and desired financial performance.

They have the experience of working with over 550 credit unions, including 50% of those over $1 billion in assets and about 25% over $100 million. C. myers helps credit unions think to differentiate and drive better decisions through facilitating more than 150 strategic planning, strategic leadership development, process improvement, and project management sessions each year, and providing A/LM, liquidity, and other financial analyses.

Visit www.cmyers.com to learn how c. myers can help credit union executives meet the demands of the ever-changing competitive marketplace.