Complí®, the nation's trusted provider of Compliance Obligation Management Software, is proud to report that an employee termination claim filed against client Byers Auto Group was quickly dismissed thanks to Compli's cloud-based Compliance Obligation Management Platform.

Founded in 1897, Byers Auto Group is comprised of eight dealership rooftops, 16 franchises, and supports more than 700 employees across Central and Western Ohio. As the company has grown, so too have the challenges. Scott Basinger, CFO for Byers Auto Group, cites managing the risks and compliance obligations associated with a large workforce as one of the company's largest ongoing concerns.

Basinger explained, "We believe strongly in doing things the right way at our dealership locations. Unfortunately, like all companies that have a large workforce, every now and then we'll get a complaint. For instance, the Civil Rights Commission recently had a question about our termination procedures as a result of a claim filed on behalf of an employee."

Fortunately, Byers Auto Group utilizes the Complí Platform, a cloud-based Compliance Obligation Management Solution. The company transitioned away from manual, paper-based compliance management in 2007. Like many in the automotive industry, they found that utilizing an automated compliance solution allowed them to increase efficiency and reduce risks. Using Complí, Byers Auto Group now stores, manages, tracks and reports on all their compliance obligations from one centralized location.

"Using Complí we were able to find and deliver all required materials to the investigator immediately. Having the documents in one centralized location helped immensely," said Basinger. "We had everything we needed in Complí - the signed forms, documentation that the employee had taken the trainings, eye witness accounts from other staff members - everything."

Thanks to Complí's electronic recording keeping and tracking, as well as its comprehensive reporting dashboard, the complaint was promptly dismissed.

"By using Complí we were able to eliminate the termination claim and avoid fines. It's been a lifesaver," said Basinger.

Download Byers Auto Group's story now In addition, be sure to visit Complí booth 3719 at the 2014 NADA Convention & Expo to hear more stories like this, and to learn how Complí can help you save money while protecting your organization.

About Complí:

Complí was founded in 2000 with a simple but ambitious goal: make compliance management and reporting easy, efficient and worry-free. More than 13 years later, Complí helps clients in over 3,200 locations, from industries such as automotive, financial services, healthcare, retail and others, rest easy knowing all their compliance activities are efficiently managed in one comprehensive, easy-to-use system. Portfolio TM, Complí's latest innovation, embraces cutting edge technologies that streamline and automate compliance obligation management in ways never before possible. To learn how Portfolio TM can make the management of your compliance obligations easy, efficient, and worry-free, visit: or call 1-866-294-5545

Jonica Smith, 503-963-4216
Charisma! Communications
Laurie Halter, 503-245-3140