
Publication of official mortgage market reference rates - EURIBOR, MIBOR, Interest Rate Swap (IRS) and IRR on government bonds with two to six year maturities traded in the secondary market. The aforementioned rates only become official upon publication in the Spanish official gazette. 

  • Press release
  • Table 19.1 on chapter 19 of the Statistical Bulletin (includes publication date in BOE - official Gazette, i.e, date of entry into force)

The remaining official mortgage market reference rates (average rate on mortgage loans at over 3 years for house purchase extended by MFIs in Spain, and average rate on mortgage loans for house purchase with maturities ranging from 1 to 5 years extended by MFIs in the eurozone) will be included in table 19.1 of Chapter 19 of the Statistical Bulletin and updated around the 20th of the current month. The update of the savings banks' reference lending rate - CECA indicator - and of the average rates on mortgage loans at over 3 years for house purchase extended by banks and savings banks, which continue to stand as the reference rates for transactions entered into before the entry into force of Orden EHA 2899/2011 of 28 October 2011 (October issue of the Spanish Official Gazette), will be performed on the same date.

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