Students, parents, teachers, and community members will celebrate the educational opportunities of Annur Islamic School at an open house beginning at noon on Saturday, January 30. The event is open to the public and designed to celebrate all the students and their successes.

The open house is planned to coincide with National School Choice Week 2016, the nation’s largest-ever celebration of excellent options in education.

More than 50 students, parents, and community members are expected to attend the event at the school located at 2195 Central Avenue in Schenectady. AIS is the first and the only Islamic school in the Albany Capital District in New York. It is accredited by AdvanED and CISNA for pre-kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school. Annur Islamic High School has been established for the past three years, and the first class will graduate this year.

National School Choice Week (January 24–30, 2016) will be America’s largest-ever celebration of opportunity in education. Featuring more than 16,000 independently organized events across all 50 states, the Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for children. National School Choice Week is independent, nonpolitical, and nonpartisan, and embraces all types of educational choice – from traditional public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Zahdan at